Psilocybe Yungensis, a mesmerizing species of psychedelic mushroom, known as "Hongo Divino" (the divine mushroom) in Mexico. Originating from the Yungas region in South America, this fungus has become a subject of scientific fascination and exploration, although it has been known and used for much, much longer by the Mazatec Indians of the Oaxaca region. It has been used for spiritual practices and divination for centuries, if not millennia.
- Species - Psilocybe Yungensis
- Common Name - Hungo Divino
- Source - Wild Collected
- Provenance -
Specimen Identifier(sold out), current stocks provenance - Experience required - Expert
Handling Wild Specimens
These are wild collected prints, as such there will be contamination, bacterial and probably fungal. For this reason they are not prepared as spore syringes. These should be handled with time and care and thorough research is required.
Psilocybe Yungensis is recognized by its distinct appearance Typically the cap is orangy golden in colour with a dark stem. The cap is typically conical or bell-shaped, displaying an array of colors ranging from pale beige to deep brown, depending on the state of the mushroom. The stem is dark and slender and features dense fibrils, giving a hairy appearance.
Microscopy Work with Psilocybe Yungensis Spores
For microscopy enthusiasts, delving into the world of Psilocybe Yungensis spores offers a captivating journey. Studying these spores under a microscope allows for a closer examination of their unique characteristics, contributing to a better understanding of the mushroom's reproductive processes. The spore prints is rusty brown to dark purplish brown. Spores are rhomboid to elliptical and 4-6μm.
Our exotic magic mushroom spores are intended for non-growing purposes only as outlined in our product safety and terms and conditions,
such as microscopy work, in the UK. For other countries, check your
local laws. All pictures are for reference only and are sourced from our
magic mushroom spore producers outside of the UK.
Psilocybe Yungensis Magic Mushroom Spores
- Brand: UK Musha
- Product Code: PYUNGSP
- Availability: In Stock
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Tags: Psilocybe Yungensis, spore syringe, spores, spore, expert, magic mushroom spore, magic mushroom spores, magic mushroom spore uk, magic mushroom spores uk, exotic