Long term storage of farmed or foraged gourmet and medicinal mushrooms

Long term storage of farmed or foraged gourmet and medicinal mushrooms

Long term storage of farmed or foraged gourmet and medicinal mushrooms

Growing mushrooms can be a lot of work, time and effort but when rewarded, we often have larger harvests than we can use in one meal. Therefore, preserving them for long term storage is important.

Dried mushrooms for storage magic

We can use a dehydrator which is highly recommended. Here is a good example of a food dehydrator on eBay. It is cheap and very effective. Never use an oven or even an air fryer, you may get positive results, but more often than not you just cook your mushrooms.

For the best results, you can dry them on low heat, even 40° to 60° C is perfect for a good dry. The best way to dry them for maximum taste and attribute retention is to dry until cracker dry, not bendy. For the best long term storage, vacuum seal and use desiccator packets or even table salt to keep them dry in the vacuum sealed packet.

Then you can enjoy your bountiful harvest whenever you need!