Tips for incubating your mushroom grow kits

Tips for incubating your mushroom grow kits

Incubating Your Mushroom Grow Kits During Winter in the UK

Growing mushrooms successfully, even during the chilly winter months in the UK, can be much easier once you have control over the temperature for incubation and fruiting. With the right approach, your mushroom grow kit can thrive no matter how cold it gets outside!

Using an Airing Cupboard or Boiler Room

The simplest and most effective trick is to place your mushroom grow kit in an airing cupboard or near where your boiler is stored. These spaces typically provide stable, consistent temperatures that are ideal for mushroom growth. Remember to aim for the following temperatures as a rough guide:

  • Incubation: 24–26°C
  • Fruiting: 22–23°C

However, it’s crucial to use a thermometer to monitor the temperature in these spaces. Overheating can damage your grow kit, so aim for a controlled environment where temperatures stay within the recommended range.

Alternative Heating Options

If an airing cupboard or boiler room is not an option, there are other ways to keep your grow kit warm during the winter:

1. Using a Small Space Heater

Small space heaters, like the Dimplex Tubular Heater, can work well for heating larger cupboards or even plastic boxes. Simply place the heater at one end of the space and your grow kit at the other. The ambient heat will gently warm the kit without overheating it.

For even better results, you can use an insulated cooler box to keep the warmth contained. The cooler box will trap the heat inside, maintaining a stable temperature for your grow kit.

2. Using a Fish Tank Heater

A fish tank heater is another excellent option. Place the heater inside a container of water, then put the container in a closed plastic box alongside your mushroom grow kit. This setup creates a warm, humid environment perfect for mushroom growth. Adjust the fish tank heater to the following temperatures:

  • Incubation: 25–26°C
  • Fruiting: 22–23°C

3. Using a Heat Mat with Temperature Control

If you prefer using a heat mat, make sure it has a temperature control feature, like this one. To avoid overheating, place a small container of water (around 500ml to 1L) on one side of a cooler box(the best option) or a plastic box with the heat mat underneath. Keep your mushroom grow kit on the opposite side of the box to ensure even, indirect warming.

In the picture above, the heat pad is placed below the container of water, ensuring better dissipation of heat. The mushroom grow kit is placed opposite to the heated water. This is similar to the fish tank heater method for incubating your mushroom grow kits. Below is a top down of the set up.

Important Tips for Avoiding Overheating

Never place your mushroom grow kit directly on top of a heat mat. This almost always leads to overheating and drying out, which can harm or even ruin your grow kit. Always maintain proper distance between the heat source and your kit for the best results.

Final Thoughts

With these tips, growing mushrooms during winter in the UK can be both successful and rewarding. Whether you use an airing cupboard, a small heater, or an innovative setup with a fish tank heater, there’s a solution for every home. Good luck growing your mushrooms this winter – and remember, a little extra warmth goes a long way in creating magic with your grow kits!